Parish Finance Council
The role of the finance council is to advise the pastor/pastoral administrator and the parish council in matters of finance and in decisions involving the temporal goods of the parish. Though both councils are directly accountable to the pastor/pastoral administrator, the finance council is separate from the parish pastoral council.
Open communications between the finance council and pastoral council are essential to ensure that the envisioned parish direction and priorities can be supported within the financial limits of the parish. Decisions for how best to share information between finance and parish councils, particularly on key topics such as annual budgets and critical financial expenditures, rests with local leadership.
The Archdiocese of Louisville Financial Policies and Procedures Manual
This manual articulates the criteria for membership and the major responsibilities of the parish finance council. (
Current members of the Council are:
Gary Sommer, Chair
Jack Ruf
Maggie MacDonald
Michael Merman
Ray Kottak