Safe Environment – Important Information

All employees and volunteers who have contact with children or youth for ANY length of time are required to participate in a 2-hour Safe Environment Training (SET) Workshop and renew this training every five years.
Employees and volunteers who completed a SET workshop in 2019 or earlier and are still actively working with children or youth must renew their training by the end of this year with an online refresher training or attend an in-person class. The training workshop schedule is here: Plan ahead! If you are a coach, a room parent, a field trip chaperone, a cafeteria volunteer, or anything in between, your SET must be up-to date. Contact Donna Cerjak with questions,

For More information and to see other publications, go to:

Schedule of Safe Environment Workshops:

Restoring Trust (Archdiocese of Louisville Policy):

Honor Thy Children Newsletter:

Schedule of Safe Environment Workshops