What is my calling?

Parish Apostolate Organizations and Committees

The saints (our church), equipped by the leadership of our Pastor, must all use their gifts to build up the body of Christ. We must all be actively engaged in our Apostolates which Jesus has called us.  A lot of work goes into building a home, work that is done by many different people who are all gifted in different ways. 

We challenge you, on your path to sainthood, to be an active member of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish.  As such, we want to provide you with different opportunities to express your gifts. 

To print a copy of our 2025 Commitment Card, click here

Here are the Apostolates that you can be part of:


Administration Committee


Gardening & Landscaping

Grievance Committee

Legacy Committee

Money Counters

Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

Parish Office Help

Property Management Committee (Facilities)

Stewardship Committee

Stewardship Renewal

Technology Committee

The Booster Club

Faith Formation

Coloring Group

Monday Morning Faith Enrichment


Religious Education for Children

Tuesday Morning Bible Study

Vacation Bible School

Women Faith Group

Outreach & Pastoral Care

Advent Giving

Advent Tree

Assisted Living


Backside Chapel at Churchill Downs


Communion Ministers

Hand in Hand Panera Pick-Up

Health & Wellness

Health and Wellness Committee

Knights of Columbus (Ave Maria Council #15931)

Lenten Giving

Mother’s Day Baby Shower

Nativity Academy Backpack Collection

Needy Fund “Call Takers”

New Parishioner Welcome Reception

Outreach & Pastoral Care

Outreach Committee

Red Cross Blood Donors

Ronald McDonald House Meals

Rosebud Indian Mission Collection

Saint Baldrick’s

Saint Vincent de Paul Soup Kitchen

Thanksgiving Day Food Drive

Thread of Love

Turkey Collection for Little Sisters of the Poor

Yard Sale


Adult Choir

Altar Servers

Art & Environment

Choral Groups, Musicians, & Cantors

Church Linen Laundering

Cross Bearer

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Gift Bearers

God’s Housekeepers

Hand Bell Choir

Hospitality Ministers



Resurrection Choir

Resurrection Choir


Super Greeters

Weekday Liturgical Minister

Weekend Security

Worship Committee

Youth Choir


Finance Council

Parish Council

Youth Formation

Adult Mentor/ Chaperone

Baptism (Leaders Preparation)

Confirmation Preparation Team

Family Catechesis Teachers

OCIA Children's Team

Scout Leader

Vacation Bible School

Youth Ministry Core Team