Coloring Group

This lively group meets at 10:00 AM on the last Friday of the month in the Parish Center. We have a short reading from the…

Knights of Columbus

Ave Maria Council 15931 was established in April, 2014 and is part of the national organization of 1.8 million Catholic gentlemen. The group meets at…
Mike Dicken, Grand Knight
Kevin Nagel, Membership Director

Monday Morning Faith Enrichment

Join us on Monday mornings at 10am beginning August 14th. For in-person faith enrichment discussions centered around previously selected topics or bible studies.


Are you interested in joining the Catholic faith?Do you know someone who interested in joining?Are you interested in accompanying someone learning the faith? If you…

Religious Education for Children

Our Lady of Lourdes facilitates weekly religious education for children who do not attend our parish school. Offered on Sunday mornings from 10:00 to 11:15,…

Tuesday Morning Bible Study

Please join us via Zoom on Tuesday mornings at 10am beginning August 15th for faith enrichment discussions concerning previously selected popular Bible Studies.

Vacation Bible School

Stellar VBS 2023Shine Jesus's Light for Others Stellar VBS rockets kids on an out-of-this-world adventure that’s light years of faith-building fun. Stellar VBS is a…

Women Faith Group

All women of Our Lady of Lourdes are welcome to join the Women of Faith Group! If you are interested in developing your faith through group…

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