The curriculum at Our Lady of Lourdes is designed to develop the child’s knowledge and skill in all developmental areas: Spiritual, Academic, Social, Emotional, and Physical. Development is achieved through an atmosphere of Gospel spirit and Christian community. A range of instructional strategies is offered in order to maximize opportunities for student success.
Students will experience:
Differentiated instruction
Cooperative group experiences
Multi-sensory approach
Use of labs
Use of manipulatives
Community speakers
Learning centers
Interactive technology
Field trips
Enrichment opportunities
Service learning
Morning meetings
SEL friendship curriculum
Reading & Writing Programs

Early Reading Program
The Early Reading Program is led by the Early Reading Coordinator. All students in grades K-2 receive small group direct reading instruction from the classroom teacher and the reading coordinator in order to differentiate and better meet the needs of our early readers. Students also use individualized computer programs- LexiaCore5, Exact Path, and RazKids as part of the early reading program.
Writing Curriculum
Grades K–5 use the Writing A-Z grammar and writing curriculum, which promotes a lifetime of confident writers.
Math Programs
Early Math Program
The Early Math Program is led by the Early Math Coordinator. All students in grades K–2 receive small group math instruction from the classroom teacher and the math coordinator in order to differentiate and better meet the needs of our early learners, developing strong foundational math skills before moving on to the upper grades.
Grades 3-8 Math Program
Students in grades 3-8 receive instruction from specialized math teachers. Coupled with the Early Math Program, this approach vertically aligns instruction to meet the needs of each student and allows them to excel with teachers who know them very well.

Junior High Math
The junior high math program at Our Lady of Lourdes is one built around student success. Beginning with Pre-Algebra in grade 7 and ultimately leading up to a full, Algebra 1 course in grade 8, this two-year progression promotes mastery in fundamental mathematical skills while allowing students the opportunity to create many paths as they move forward in their school careers. All boy and all girl math and science classes in junior high help prepare students for local Catholic high school environments and builds confidence in these important STEM subjects.
Math Lab
In an effort to further promote success, Our Lady of Lourdes students in grade 3-8 routinely have the opportunity to seek out additional support and enrichment as needed on an individual basis. Math Lab, as it is known, primarily exists to allow students the ability to receive personalized attention with the skills or concepts that need more assistance with. This service is led by staff and is offered immediately following the conclusion of the school day until 4:00 PM.
Friendzy Program
Friendzy is a school wide social/emotional learning program which develops healthy relationship skills for all students in all grades.
This program teaches life skills to our students with the emphasis on building strong, healthy friendships. Social, emotional, and character development is vital to our students’ success in school and life! This is how students learn to recognize and manage emotions, care about others, make good decisions, behave ethically and responsibly, develop positive relationships, and avoid negative behaviors.
“Be each other’s biggest fan!”

Science Fair
Congratulations to our 2024 Science Fair Winners!
We are proud of all our students and appreciate their hard work! There were great projects this year. Thank you to Mrs. Platt and Mrs. Bryan for organizing the event!

Enrichment/ Fine Arts Block (FAB)

5th and 6th grade students engage in unique experiences in the areas of creative writing, drama, art, music, wellness, sewing, coding, and more. These electives are led by teachers and volunteers during the school day.
Computer/ Technology
Technology Instruction
- Students receive instruction on Microsoft Office, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint as well as instruction on Google Apps for Education, including Google Classroom, Docs, Sheets, and Slides.
- Flexible scheduling of time affords the students individualized technology instruction where it is most needed, including instruction and enrichment in robotics and coding.
1:1 Technology
- 1:1 Chromebooks K-8
- Google classroom accounts K-8

Families & Buddies

School Families
School Families are made up of one student from each grade with the 8th grade student as the designated leader. School families meet monthly and teachers share responsibility planning the monthly project. School families promote a sense of community among students and educate students about the life of stewardship by providing opportunities for students to reach out to the community.
Our Lady of Lourdes has a 3-year School Buddy Program. Kindergarten students are placed with a “Big Buddy”, and stay with the same buddy through 2nd grade. Buddies sit together at school mass on Thursdays, participate in School Family activities and Field Day together, as well as seasonal and classroom activities.