- PTO President: Abigail Jacobs
- Vice President: Ellie Raymer
- Treasurer: Jared Raymer
- Secretary: Emily Baldwin
- Know Chair: Amanda Williams
- Love Chair: Kaitlyn Tompkins
- Serve Chair: Rachel Pullem
- Grow Chair: Jane Merman
PTO Meeting Minutes
The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is committed to the core values of the parish. Our overall mission is to help everyone be in the know to love our school, and serve others to grow our school.
This active group is the connector between the school and families to enhance education and stewardship for all. The PTO sponsors events that build community and generate funds. With these funds, we support parents, teachers, and students with additional resources in the classroom: including technology and materials, and support facility improvements.
Together we can do more!
If you have any questions, please email
Know, Love, Serve, Grow
Communications Chair
Keep everyone in the know through various platforms (Social Media, Bearcat Blast, Church Bulletin, Newsletter, Calendar) by working with school leaders and the Director of Communications, Emilia Agrinsoni Malave.
Help promote the school and recruit new families through Open Houses, School Tours, Social Media, etc. Organize a Back-to-School informational event in August.
Room Parents:
Facilitate room parents for Pre K-8th Grade to ensure clear communication within each class (Facebook class page and/or other with important information from school/PTO, coordinate Halloween and Valentine’s Party, volunteers for Teacher Christmas Lunch.
Spirit Wear:
Help us all promote school spirit by purchasing and selling spirit wear to school families.
Fellowship Chair
Welcome New Families:
Ensure new school families have a warm welcome and learn about the school by coordinating a Buddy Family program and/or class liaisons for new students. Host a Boohoo/Yahoo Breakfast for Kindergarten parents.
Community Events:
Plan events that bring parish and school families together to strengthen stewardship and fellowship for all (i.e. Chili Supper, Trunk or Treat, Fish Fry).
Teacher/Staff Appreciation:
Show our teachers and staff love by coordinating Christmas gifts and lunch from parents, provide end of year appreciation gifts and year-round treats in the teachers’ lounge. Send Birthday & Anniversary cards.
Chairsperson: Katie Dudas
Engagement Chair
Volunteer Recruitment:
Ensure new school families have a warm welcome and learn about the school by coordinating a Buddy Family program and/or class liaisons for new students. Host a Boohoo/Yahoo Breakfast for Kindergarten parents.
Uniform Exchange:
Help parents save money and clean out closets by offering a uniform exchange throughout the year.
Winter Wonderland:
Organize a fun Christmas shopping experience for students so they can buy for their parents, siblings, grandparents, etc.
Health & Safety:
Support school office to ensure all medical forms are submitted.
PTO Outreach:
Provide an opportunity for PTO to give back to the community through a group volunteer outing and/or monetary contribution.
Chairsperson: Emily Kern
Development Chair
Fundraising Events:
Help raise funds to enhance our students’ learning experiences and support resources for our teachers by planning event fundraisers (i.e. Christmas Bazaar, Trivia Night, etc.)
Easy Funds:
Promote and sign up parish members for Amazon Smile & Kroger Community Rewards.
Chairsperson: Jane Merman